United States of America

Teri Yarbrow is an artist who has worked extensively in video, digital media and oil painting. From 1975 to l982, she worked in various two dimensional media including oil painting, collage and print media. She was exploring a variety of approaches to process painting and abstract structure. Yarbrow continued her focus on oil painting. Her paintings were dramatic explorations of shamanic imagery. Based on concepts of dream, myth and transformation, she has continued her in-depth work with process painting as an act of psychic excavation. More recently, she has been involved with cutting edge new digital printing processes that combine painting with computer and digital manipulation. These mixed media digital works have been featured in a series of exhibitions in the new media installations, “Dream House”, “The Museum of Disappearance” and the internationally exhibited and the international award winning “Utopia”.

http://www.maxalmy-teriyarbrow.com/Max_Almy_and_Teri_Yarbrow/Home.html http://www.maxalmy-teriyarbrow.com/Max_Almy_and_Teri_Yarbrow/Home.html

Max Almy, Teri Yarbrow.

1994, United States of America. vo English. 5’