Arxius OVNI
vo Spanish.
Round table: Colonialisism and images: an anthropological vision.
Participants: Josep Lluís Mateo Dieste (anthropologist – Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) Alberto López Bargados (anthropologist – Universitat de Barcelona) Lluís Mallart i Guimerà (ethnologist – Laboratoire d'ethnologie et de sociologie comparée, Paris X – CNRS) Moderator: Nadja Monnet, anthropologist – Contraplano LAD.
A reflection on the role of images in the colonial system and their impact, given that, as we know, images played and continue to play and important role in spreading ideologies, in particular colonial ideology in the 20th century.
In most films produced in the period, the colonial presence is depicted as a natural phenomenon, arising without suffering or guilty consciences. "Colonial reports" - productions that helped to familiarise spectators with farmers and inhabitants of colonised lands -, and the fictions set in the colonies, constructed a mythology that grew stronger with the introduction of sound in the 30s. Only a few of the works produced at the time represented the other face of the imaginary, films like Alain Resnais and Cris Marker's Les statues meurent aussi and René Vautier's Afrique 50.
CONTRAPLANO – LAD (Laboratori d'Acció Documental) is a working group of the Institut Català d'Antropologia (ICA) formed by people working in the fields of the social sciences and audiovisual communication with the aim of creating connections between the two. Since 2001, it has organized a series of screenings-debates, open to a wide public that goes beyond academic and professional circuits.