Dalila Ennadre
2012. Morocco. vo Arabic. s Spanish. 90’

This film is a cry from the heart of the Medina of Casablanca for its inhabitants and their memory but, above all, for a more humanitarian world. At night, the Medina is embodied by the figure of a draped woman who rides through the alleys. Her mysterious voice comes out of the silence, speaking to the world she once welcomed with open arms; a world which has betrayed her through a stifling economic environment. Her testimony and that of its inhabitants will feed the narrative structure of the film in a poetic way, mixing magic and reality.

Des murs et des hommes 08
Des murs et des hommes 06
Des murs et des hommes 05
Des murs et des hommes 04a
Des murs et des hommes 03
Des murs et des hommes 02
Des murs et des hommes 01
Des murs et des hommes 01