Abu Ali, Arxius OVNI
2011. Spain. vo Spanish. 60’

The Observatory Archives invites Pablo Beneito to reflect on this subject as a contribution to OVNI dis_Reality Pablo Beneito has a PhD in Arabic philology from Universidad Complutense de Madrid. He was professor in the Department of Arabic and Islamic Studies at the University of Seville, and currently holds the same post at the University of Murcia. He has been a guest lecturer at École Practique des Hautes Études de la Sorbona, Kyoto University (Asafas), Universidade Federal de Juiz de Fora (Brazil) and the Toledo School of Translators (2002-2003). An Islamologist specialising in the study of Sufism, he has published first editions and and translations of Ibn Arabí: Las contemplaciones de los misterios, El secreto de los nombres de Dios, in Spanish and French, and The Seven Days of the Heart, in English.

http://www.webislam.com/tag/pablo_beneito/ http://www.webislam.com/tag/pablo_beneito/