Richard Pell
2003. United States of America. vo Anglès. 36’

Per què pensa Bob Lansberry que algú li està robant el correu? Per què la CIA pensa que els russos acapararen el mercat global de LSD' Per què odia Ted Kaczinsi el seu professor d'universitat? Per què el Dr. José Delgado no té por d'un toro brau?
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July
Don't Call me Crazy on the 4th of July