Un trabajo colectivo con cámaras independientes en Okupem les Ones
2004. Spain. vo Spanish, Catalan. 26’

In the summer of 2004, citizens of Barcelona carried out an aquatic action against the hypocrisies and corruption involved in the concept and implementation of the Forum of Cultures. This documentary tells of their mission to reach the Forum in "pateras" (the small boats used by illegal immigrants to cross the Gibraltar Strait).

https://okupemlesones.wordpress.com/ https://okupemlesones.wordpress.com/
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum
Paterem el Forum