Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)

Suzie Silver
1992. United States of America. vo English. s Spanish. 5’

Hester dressed as Jesus Christ sings "A Spy in the House of Love" by The Doors. In the background images of Babylonian excess... 3 Mostra de Vídeo Independent de Barcelona 1996.

http://suziesilver.com/ http://suziesilver.com/
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)
Spy (Hester Reeve Does the Doors)