Dr.Elizabeth Kapu'uwailani lindsey
1995. United States of America. 27’   on-line

More than half a million native Hawaiians were living in the islands at the time of European contact in 1778. Within 50 years, that population was halved as Western diseases claimed thousands of lives. A litany of events followed: American missionaries preached unfamiliar ideas and customs; sugarcane and pineapple plantations absorbed individual farmlands; waves of immigrant workers arrived, making Hawaiians a minority in their own land; and WWII brought a lasting military presence. University of Hawaii sociologists estimate that the extinction of full-blooded Hawaiians could come within the next 45 years. To millions of travellers the world over, Hawaii is an alluring picture-postcard paradise. But to its Native Hawaiian people, nothing could be further from the truth.

La segona guerra mundial va portar amb si una presència militar permanent. Sociòlegs de la Universitat d'Hawaii calculen que en 45 anys podrien extingir-se els hawaians de sang pura. Para milers de turistes de tot el món, Hawaii és un paradís de postal però pels hawaians no hi ha gens més lluny de la veritat.

Then There Were None
Then There Were None
Then There Were None