
Alicia Framis, born in 1967 in Barcelona. She studied in the Fine Arts School, Barcelona University and in Ecole de Beaux Arts, Paris. She also completed a master in the Institut d’Hautes Etudes, Paris; and another one in the Rijksakademie Van Beelde Kunstende, Amsterdam. After art school Alicia has lived and worked in Barcelona (1985-1990), Paris (1990-1993), and Amsterdam from 1995. She has become known around the world for her performances and actions, such as Loneliness in the City (1999-2000), the Secret Strike films (2003-2006); an installation accessible to women only, Minibar, at the 2nd Berlin Biennial in 2001; and Anti_dog (2002-2003), realized to represent Holland in the Dutch pavilion at the 50th Venice Biennial in 2003.