
In order for exclusion and social control to be fully developed an efficient representation system is necessary, covering topics, stereotypes and prejudices. This ideological environment portrays the victim as deserving of the downgrading treatment that they are suffering. The intensification and generalization of the mechanisms of exclusion in a society such as ours, remains an ironic consequence of an exalted discourse on democracy. Though this is not the exclusive objective of research, the current projects planned or underway within the Group direct these theoretical principles towards observing the increasing criminalization of people socially, politically and judicially labelled as migrants. Whist migrants are fundamental actors in a globalised world, the institutional treatment of migration is still framed in current State spheres. Administrative interaction is accustomed to develop denying migrants the political and social character of the subject. It is with the aim of developing these deductions and concerns that the Group is proposing to bring epistemological and conceptual advances from the analytical intersection of anthropology, pedagogy, sociology and sociology of law. These disciplines are understood here as the most proficient to comprehend the dynamic identities and social relations of which they are a product.