United States of America

Dennis Treinor is the founder and creative director of NCFT. Previously, he served as a writer/ media consultant for Dennis Kucinich’s 2008 presidential campaign and was a featured video editorial commentator for The Uptake and Veracifier. His documentary on U.S. foreign policy, MANIFEST DESTINY’S CHILD, was released in January, 2011. Hailed as one of the “most prominent voices in YouTube Politics” (Steve Grove, YouTube Political editor) Dennis Trainor, Jr wrote and performed under an alias in the popular (and defunct) video series The Hermit with Davis Fleetwood, garnering a “Best of YouTube” nomination and collecting 20 million video views along the way. His collection of essays on the 2008 Election Season, Droppin’ Knowledge Like a Clumsy Librarian (published under Davis Fleetwood) is available from NCFT press. Currently, he serves as host for A.C.R.O.N.Y.M. (because you stand for something).

http://nocureforthat.weebly.com/index.html http://nocureforthat.weebly.com/index.html
Stop the Machine
Stop the Machine

Dennis Trainor.

2011, United States of America. vo English. 3’