
Sevilla, 1954.

An independent artist and filmmaker, he has made several films and video-creations on social rights, migration, precariousness, the environment and historical memory.

Trained in Image Sciences, design and drama, he has been working as an independent artist since 1975. His audiovisual productions: Diálogo de fugitivos (radio theatre, 2000), Palabras (2002), Global Zoo (2002), Democracia, marca registrada (2003), Rehenes (2003), El Estrecho, vértice de dos continentes (2003), Margaritas (2004), Paralelo 36 (2004), Trafalgar 1805 (2005), La liga de los olvidados (2006), Donde hay patrón.... (2007), Lifetime (2008), Ali Salem, architect of resistance (2009), Sobre capital y territorio (2009), Paisaje del retroprogreso (2010), Fuentes de la memoria (2011).
Paralelo 36
Paralelo 36

José Luis Tirado.

2004, Spain. vo Spanish. 65’