Waël Noureddine
2005. Lebanon, France. vo French. 30’   on-line

A military helicopter circles in the sky like an evil wasp. Chaos on the ground after the attack. A fast-paced sequence - bleeding people, burning cars and confused soldiers. Subheading: From Beirut - with Love. A cinematic postcard-greeting, so bitter and cynical, it can only come from a city at war with itself. The only dialogue in the film reveals a surprising connotation: Beirut is Paris, or Madrid, or any other metropolis. The scene is set: youth without a future, bomb attacks, drugs, arms, soldiers. The postcard has arrived.

Beirut, or perhaps any other city in war with itself. Here no conflicts ever get resolved, no wall ever get's repared. In the perforated city, the explosions resound better. We have the choice between the army and religion, or then religion and the army. A heroin dose costs 10 dollars. I go and visit some acquaintances and send some post cards...A military helicopter in the sky like an evil wasp. Chaos on the ground after the attack. A fast-paced sequence – bleeding people, burning cars and confused soldiers. Subheading: From Beirut – with Love. A cinematic postcard-greeting, so bitter and cynical, it can only come from a city being at war with itself. Fronts of houses scarred by bullet holes, forgotten mines, armed soldiers, armed civilians – not a conflict anywhere near a solution. Somewhere in between young men, who can only choose between army, religion and drugs. A delirious, unsettling film about anger and violence and fantasies of death. Ca sera beau – it would be beautiful, if blood slapped against the window after a shot through the mouth. This only dialogue in the film brings about a surprising connotation: Beirut is Paris, or Madrid, or any other metropolis. The scenario is set: youth without perspective, bomb attacks, drugs, arms, soldiers. The postcard has arrived.

http://wael-noureddine.blog.ca/ http://wael-noureddine.blog.ca/
Ça sera beau. From Beyrouth with love
Ça sera beau. From Beyrouth with love
Ça sera beau. From Beyrouth with love
Ça sera beau. From Beyrouth with love