Toni Serra
2008. Spain. vo Catalan. 15’   on-line

A workshop by Toni Serra *) Abu Ali

Coordination of Toni Cots, with the collaboration of: Bilal Artiach, Mohammed el Bouzidi, Oruç Guvenç, Rosa Serra, Carme Torrent.
Fundació l’animal a l’esquena. Celrà. Girona 2008.

“You can watch the skies spin. To the rhythm of day and night, like the potter's wheel, At every moment a new heaven and a new earth! At every moment a young man and an old man! " (1)

"When you contemplate a sky, an earth, a sun, a star or a moon, you have to be clear that a particle of that element is in you" (2)

(1) - Shabistari. S XIV. Persia
(2) - Najmu din Kubra, 12th century. Persia

This workshop proposes a reflection on the ritual body and trance; the transits that summon it, the sequence of movements and images that precede and follow it, as well as the manipulation or liberation strategies that are developed there. From the subtle to the frenzied, trance has as its center and question the relationship between the body and consciousness.