Abu Ali,
Arxius OVNI
vo Spanish.
The Observatory Archives invites Santiago López Petit to reflect on this subject as a contribution to OVNI dis_Reality.
Santiago López Petit (Barcelona, 1950) was a militant in the workers autonomy movement during the seventies, and worked as a chemist for many years. He has participated in many of the resistance movements in the wake of the crisis of the Labour Movement. He is currently professor of Philosophy at the University of Barcelona, and participates in the Espai en Blanc foundation (www.espaienblanc.net). His books include Entre el Ser y el Poder. Una apuesta por el querer vivir (reissued Madrid 2009); Horror Vacui. La Travesía de la Noche del Siglo (Madrid, 1996), El infinito y la nada. El querer vivir como desafío (Barcelona, 2003), Amar y pensar. El odio del querer vivir (Barcelona, 2005) and La movilización global. Breve tratado para atacar la realidad (Madrid, 2009). He has also contributed to several collective books, and to magazines such as El Viejo Topo, Archipiélago, Riff Raff and Futur Antérieur. His books have been translated into several languages.