Mía Dragnic
2005. Venezuela, Spain. vo Spanish. 40’   on-line

The application of the new Land Laws, ferociously opposed by livestock farmers and landowners, poses a problematic obstacle for the Bolivarian process in Venezuela. The spiral of demands and paramilitary repression has begun and may end up defining the course of the Bolivarian experience.

http://www.nodo50.org/bolivariana/videos/leydetierras.htm http://www.nodo50.org/bolivariana/videos/leydetierras.htm
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras
Ley de tierras