Capitan Piedra, Subsimo
2006. Spain, Argentina. vo Spanish. No dialogue 21’   on-line

Two summers ago we travelled to the southern winter, almost letting ourselves be led by chance, our eyes open with our backs to the wind, looking to the ground to protect them from the dust of dunes near the beach. We stopped for a few days in a wind place, where there are no networks yet and the few visitors are respectful and mostly silent. With these people, we were only accompanied by animal-monuments, nothing within a radius of 300 kilometres (what more could you wish for). Then we saw a group of tourists arrive (maybe we're tourists of monuments or of the spirit). They stopped and stared. Elephants and people stare silently. The power of the moment is such that the devices to steal light and sound fall silent. We met Mariano and he spoke to us, without expecting or even wanting to understand... We remembered one night, catching our breath at the whales' greeting. Let's not fool ourselves, because we weren't looking for it, something changed.