Felix Girke, Steffen Köhn
2007. Germany. vo Kara. s English. 26’   on-line

This film follows the events triggered by a young man's killing of a leopard with a self-made trap in Kara, Southern Ethiopia. Anthropologist Felix Girke and film-maker Steffen Köhn follow the protagonists as a social drama slowly emerges: during the feast which celebrates the hunter's achievement, a challenge as to the ownership of the precious hide is issued. The events of the film reveal how ritual rules are strategically manipulated and contested for not entirely evident reasons.

http://openanthcoop.ning.com/profile/FelixGirke http://openanthcoop.ning.com/profile/FelixGirke
Morokapel's Feast
Morokapel's Feast
Morokapel's Feast