Àlex Muñoz
2007. Morocco, Spain. vo Spanish. 60’   on-line

The port of Tangiers is a transit zone, and many travelers and goods pass through each day in huge trucks bound for destinations all over Europe. This is why large numbers of children and adults live in the port, waiting for an opportunity to hide under one of the trucks and cross the border into the Schengen zone. Almost all of them have a home and a family. Locals spend some time there and then return to their homes to build up strength for the next attempt. Those whose homes are far away settle among the containers or find a more or less inconspicuous hideaway in the port. Abdelghani is one of the minors who has decided to leave his family in southern Morocco to try and cross over to Spain.

http://www.elhombredelacamara.net/ http://www.elhombredelacamara.net/
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