Afganistán Targets. Operación Anaconda
Afganistán Targets. Operación Anaconda

BABYLON - Dark Side of the Empire.

2003, United States of America. vo English. 13’

Air Space and Power
Air Space and Power

BABYLON - Dark Side of the Empire.

2003, Spain, United States of America. vo English. 6’

Enduring Freedom. The Openning Chapter
Enduring Freedom. The Openning Chapter

BABYLON - Dark Side of the Empire.

United States of America. vo English. 4’

Flashpoint: 1985. Status Quo
Flashpoint: 1985. Status Quo

BABYLON - Dark Side of the Empire.

Spain, United States of America. vo English. 1’

Land Warrior 2.0. Christopher Bashaw
Land Warrior 2.0. Christopher Bashaw

BABYLON - Dark Side of the Empire.

United States of America. vo English. 4’

Linux IBM
Linux IBM

BABYLON - Dark Side of the Empire.

United States of America. vo English.

Mr. Steve Ballmer Speaks
Mr. Steve Ballmer Speaks

BABYLON - Dark Side of the Empire.

United States of America. vo English. 6’

This has made me stronger
This has made me stronger

Go Army, BABYLON - Dark Side of the Empire.

United States of America. vo English. 1’