Pascal Blanchard, Éric Deroo
2005. France. vo French. s Spanish. 54’   on-line

Paris Couleurs, a compilation of archival film material, deals with the image of the migrant in cinema and television throughout the century. From ”Zoos Humains” to the mythical ”Black-Blanc-Beur” of the year 1998, the film follows a history of representation, clichés and stereotypes. With this film Pascal Blanchard and Eric Deroo present a new audiovisual version of their research program “from the native to the immigrant” and their point of view of the relation between colonial history and the history of immigration.
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs
Paris Couleurs