Tuesday 30 April 2024, 19:00h - 20:00h
Centre d'Arts Santa Mònica. Barcelona.
A videographic session by l'Observatory of Unidentified Video that establishes reflections and parallels on euphoria, vertigo and loss induced by the media mirage and its effects. The incipient times of the first television and the endless expansion of the artificial towards unknown or perfectly known terrains. The media environment as a labyrinth with no way out for the human eye, intimacies managed by hermetic mechanisms with no possibility of response, the point of no return of synergies that never took place:
"Today, the generation that has learned more words from a machine than from the voice of its mother, or of another human being, has been formed in a physical and psychic environment that is increasingly intolerable. The communication of this generation has almost only developed in an immersive techno-environment whose consistency is purely semiotic".
"Thousands of little eyes" alludes to the idea of many visions. If before this concept referred to the plurality of visions as an opening of possibilities and as an alternative to dominant tendencies, now this term speaks of the indiscreet and continuous presence of cybernetic artifacts always attentive to our way of looking and listening to the movement of our being. Dispersions in remote algorithmic profiles, captive redundancies in endless data flows, consumed imaginations and a ray of light announcing a crack in the reality.
Cómo hubiera sido la guerra de Troya / What the Trojan War would have been like
contada desde el punto de vista de un soldado anónimo; / told from the point of view of an anonymous soldier;
un griego de a pie ignorado por los dioses / an ordinary Greek ignored by the gods
y deseado no más que por los buitres que sobrevuelan las batallas. / and desired no more than by the vultures that fly over the battles.
Un campesino metido a guerrero, / A farmer turned warrior,
cantado por nadie por, por nadie esculpido. / sung by no one, sculpted by no one.
Un hombre cualquiera obligado a matar, / A simple man forced to kill,
y sin el menor interés de morir por los ojos de Elena. / and without the slightest interest in dying for Elena's eyes.
¿Habría presentido ese soldado lo que Eurípides confirmó después? / Would that soldier have sensed what Euripides later confirmed?
Que Elena nunca estuvo en Troya; que sólo su sombra estuvo allí. / That Helen was never in Troy; that only her shadow was there.
Que diez años de matanzas ocurrieron por una túnica vacía. / That ten years of massacres took place for an empty tunic.
Y si ese soldado sobrevivió, ¿qué recordó? / And if that soldier survived, what did he remember?
¡Quién sabe! / Who knows!
Quizás el olor. / Maybe the smell.
El olor del dolor / The smell of pain
y solamente eso. / and only that.
(Relato del libro Espejos)
E. Galeano
From people and among people
For our beloved brother "Aaron Bushnell"